Contest of the applied researches 2021 open
Foundation of Estonian UAS/RCUAS in cooperation with Tallinn Strategic Management Office announces the contest of the applied researches. The aim of the contest is to value applied research projects, increase the motivation of UAS’ for enterprise and public sector cooperation and inform the public about the implementation of UAS “know-how” in economic activities and society.
The contest is for UAS’ individuals (students, teachers) and alumni who has completed the studies this or last year. The submitted work is innovative and its results are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the economy and/or the use of innovative solutions.
In order to participate in the contest please send the completed form and additional documents to the email address no later than September 9, 2021.
The best research will be selected by 22 September 2021. Winner(s) will be awarded with a scholarship of up to 1000 euros. The recognition of the winners will take place at the annual Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day in October.
The statue of the scholarship can be viewed HERE
To participate in the contest please complete the FORM
For further questions please contact: